On-site Consulting

JWL Consulting offers on-site support to help deliver significant expense and inventory reductions as well as revenue generating strategies. It will do this for your overall Country Club or on a more limited basis with your Golf Pro Shop. Both will be done through a systematic process that involves:

  • Working with your key leaders to  develop an enhanced data-based understanding of expenses, revenue streams, and inventories.
  • Expressing this understanding in formats that are easy to review and analyze.
  • Providing options and recommendations for focused improvement efforts based on the data analysis.
  • Developing formal strategic plans that deliver long-term improvement.
  • Establishing a system to provide for regular progress updates that ensure improvement efforts remain on track.

The scope of the work will involve:

  • Initial telephone or in person join ups and familiarization with your Club
  • Receipt and initial analysis of key financial documents
  • One week of on-site work culminating in final recommendations
  • Follow-up work as needed / requested

Your engagement with JWL Consulting will result in:

  • Broader organization-wide financial understanding. This will enable the Department Heads and the Board of Directors to better align with and support improvement efforts.
  • Personnel development in identifying opportunities for expense and inventory reductions, as well as potential revenue- generating opportunities.
  • Improved operating income levels.
  • Improved financial results for your Country Club, Pro Shop, and/or Golf Association.

References available upon request.